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  • Writer's pictureBrian Vollner


So I finally feel like I'm making some headway with this wordmark/logo. I have been playing around with different incarnations of stroke width, color, and letter heights. Trying to make things stand out while maintaining readability has been a challenge. (I'm still fussing with the leading, but this is where things stand.

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1 Comment

Lafe Smith
Lafe Smith
Jun 15, 2023

Strong updates! I think both of these work nicely to push the acronym while also clarifying each word.

For fun (because you have nothing but time, right? 😁), have you tried sketching out more possibilities with this, based on what you were sharing in Tuesday's meeting? I wonder what even more literal, but still simple, "steps"/stairs iconography might look like with some quick sketch variations.

Keep going!

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