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  • Writer's pictureBrian Vollner

Making Strides

This project started so long ago, it's hard for me to think about it not being a part of my continuing list of things that I need to do. Recently, I've been trying to find some open source illustration customizers and generators to take a little off my shoulders. I know I could make my own (and ultimately, that would be what I would prefer), but this way I can focus on the UX and accessibility of the prototype. After all, that's really what this project is about — getting the people the training they need during a crisis.

There are so many different generators and image collections. Typing in prompts to have AI build something has been... interesting. Between Craiyon, Artimator, and DALL-E 2, I went down a rabbit hole of generating AI artwork. It seemed like I would always hit a pay wall or the images just weren't quite specific enough. I don't know if my language lacked the nuance or keywords the algorithm needed, but I just couldn't get it right. There were other illustration customizers like Blush, but they were a little too limited in their scope.

Long story short, I think I might be sticking with what I found on wikiHow for the time being. I just want to make sure I cite everything correctly.

I was hoping to get that ironed out because I had wanted to spend the bulk of my time making a short walkthrough video to send out for feedback. It's funny how it can take 3 hours to make a 3 minute video. In the end, it doesn't matter what I make because I always think it sounds awkward and disjointed. It seems a little over the top but I sent my video for feedback to my advisor for feedback. The caliber of professionals that I hope to contact deserve a video that is clear and concise. I really just wanted to make sure I didn't overlook anything. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I hope to hear back from an actual human being.

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