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  • Writer's pictureBrian Vollner

Making up for lost time

I don't know how many of my classmates or professors will read this, but I am so thankful for every time we meet. I genuinely believe my work wouldn't be nearly as strong as it is without them, and our class last Tuesday was just what I needed to get things moving again.

As it stands, I have been refining the work that I have, created an established title for this project, and have finished artwork that has been added to the prototype. I also think that instead of physically building a kit, I am going to create a graphic that would be added to a preexisting one. Stop The Bleed already produces them, so I plan on using their first aid kit as an example. (The photo is taken directly from their website:

Above is a screenshot of the figma prototype that I am refining. As I move forward, I want to finish some kind of animation/GIF/video that suggests how the instructions would be given. Feel free to poke around with what I've got so far here.

In class, I spoke about the lack of outreach that Stop The Bleed has, how minimal its digital presence is, and how social media could impact its mission. I would like to explore different templates and branding for this project, but I want to make sure my prototype and QR code are polished first because I have every intention on contacting Stop The Bleed for their input. Ideally, they would be the ones who would be the focus of my user/target feedback. Otherwise, because the target audience for this project is such a wide demographic, I'll gather a small pool of individuals to help contribute to the project that I am creating.

I feel like I have a solid footing for the rest of the deliverables. This page from my sketchbook will give you an idea of where I'm heading.

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